6 tips on how to survive a rainy wedding day


How to make the most of a rainy wedding day


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When it comes to art and photography, I’ve always been drawn to moodier styles, so a dramatic gloomy sky kind of makes my day. I love the soft even light it produces (so much more flattering than harsh direct sunlight), the windblown look, and the slight melancholy and romantic vibe it gives to my photos. I love the reflections in puddles, pretty raindrops on windows, and a bride embracing it all and donning a pair of wellies.

SAYING ALL THAT, I totally appreciate that stomping around in freezing driving rain is no fun, and not your ideal wedding day scenario. But… if it does rain on your wedding please don’t despair.

With good preparation and a positive attitude, rain certainly doesn’t have to spoil your day. It might even make it more memorable and unique.

Have a plan B for bad weather right from the start

When choosing a venue, make sure you love it inside and out. Have a look if there are any good looking covered areas outside, or indoor spaces where you would be happy to have your photos taken, especially if you are getting married at a time of year where the weather can be a little unpredictable.

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Happy to get wet?

If you are going for a totally outdoorsy beach, festival or tipi wedding, think carefully whether you’ll still enjoy it if it’s a wash out. I think it can totally work if your guests are easy going, happy to splash about in wellies and just have an awesome party whatever  - true British festival style. Just make sure you’d be happy with that kind of a day before you decide to book an all outdoor wedding.

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Relax and embrace it!

Rather than feeling sad about the weather, embrace the rain and have a bit of fun with it. You’re marrying the person you love most in the world and have all your favourite people there to celebrate with you, so… you’ll enjoy it rain or shine! We’ll be able to take stunning photos anyway, so no need to worry about that. There’s usually always a bit of break in the weather at some point for us to sneak out for some photos We’ll just need to be a bit more flexible and I’ll always be on the look out for cool photo opportunities during the day.

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Make sure you have (the right) umbrellas

I always carry a set of matching umbrellas for the couple and bridal party with me in my car for any wedding. If you want to get your own - transparent or white are the best options, as they don’t cast funny colours on your face.

Bring a pair of sensible shoes

Put a pair of wellies or trainers in your bag and change into them walking from place to place, and when we do your photos. You won’t see them under your dress, and even if you do, it will look great and make you giggle when you look back at your photos. It will keep your wedding shoes clean, and you can just hitch up your dress and help you move around much more easily.

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Allow a bit of time to clean up

If you’re having your photos taken between the ceremony and dinner, allow for an extra 15 minutes or so to take a breath and regroup, before you go in. Your bridesmaids can help you wash out any dirt from the bottom of your dress in the bathroom (if you are bothered by it) and dry it out with the hand drier – it works!


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